Writing Life

A periodic record of thoughts and life as these happen via the various roles I play: individual, husband, father, grandfather, son, brother (brother-in-law), writer, university professor and others.

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Location: Tennessee, United States

I was born on Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina, then lived a while in Fayetteville, North Carolina, before moving, at the age of 5, to Walnut, NC. I graduated from Madison High School in 1977. After a brief time in college, I spent the most of the 1980s in Nashville, Tennessee, working as a songwriter and playing in a band. I spent most of the 1990s in school and now teach at a university in Tennessee. My household includes wife and son and cat. In South Carolina I have a son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Haunted Sabbath

Again I wake on a clear blue Sunday
morning in the Christ-haunted United
States of America and join the throng
--if twenty percent can be considered
a thronging--that passes through the wide doors
of its tired multitude of divided
denominations, all of which lay claim
to the same Jesus, who doesn't transcend
their ceaseless bickering, their politics,
conservative exclusion, liberal
inclusion, their prosperity preaching,
their doomsday teaching, their self-righteousness.

I go wakeful into this Sunday night,
which is also Halloween, preached against
this morning from thousands of pulpits
while some souls starve, commit soul suicide,
seek peace, belonging, comfort in trouble.
After two thousand Christ-haunted years,
what does it mean to follow? to serve?
This Halloween night I left the lights off.
I sit in the dark, an old cat purring
on my belly, listening to the clocks tick
in syncopation, listening to the dogs'
reverberating barks in outer dark.

Well, that about does it. I didn't make a poem every day of October, but by my count I went 21 for 31, which I guess isn't a bad percentage. I learned what I hoped I would learn, that I can write something almost every day. Not that it's going to be good, necessarily, but--for a man who fancies himself a writer--anything is better than nothing. At least I can create something most days that's potentially worthy of rewriting and rethinking and rewriting again.

Thanks to those who read these and put up with my musings.


Blogger nbta said...

Good job. I hope you continue your daily writing even if you don't post them.

Blogger Ruth W. said...

I enjoyed them all...thanks

Blogger Dennis and Marie said...

Your writings have given me a reason to something that I don't do a lot of, READ, short stories/poems.
Thanks Michael.

Blogger quig said...

Happy Halloween!!! oh, yeah, good job, .677 would be a great batting average.....not so good as a grade in graduate school... but, it is wonderful that you pushed yourself to do that much writing in October... blessings, john


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