Writing Life

A periodic record of thoughts and life as these happen via the various roles I play: individual, husband, father, grandfather, son, brother (brother-in-law), writer, university professor and others.

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Location: Tennessee, United States

I was born on Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina, then lived a while in Fayetteville, North Carolina, before moving, at the age of 5, to Walnut, NC. I graduated from Madison High School in 1977. After a brief time in college, I spent the most of the 1980s in Nashville, Tennessee, working as a songwriter and playing in a band. I spent most of the 1990s in school and now teach at a university in Tennessee. My household includes wife and son and cat. In South Carolina I have a son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Letters to the Editor

Over the last few years Asheville, North Carolina, has developed a reputation as a progressive and rather open community. I've been around town for much of my life, although now I live an hour away. Now it's a place I like to visit for a fun experience, but I'm glad I don't live there any longer.

Certainly whatever cool exists in the center feels real; however, it's not necessarily a widespread cool. What follows are some letters from today's Asheville Citizen-Times. Some sentiments I like, most I don't. Make of them what you will.

Let's start with this:

The United States spent countless dollars and American lives to eliminate one Hussein only to be on the verge of voting one into the office of president and commander in chief. (John Reece, Swannanoa)

Really? What a sense-less connection!

Sarah Palin has no business trying to be governor of Alaska or vice president of the U.S. when she can't take care of business at home. She has a husband and five children. Has she forgotten her marriage vows? Her family should come first. Her husband needs her at home. He needs love and cooked meals, clean shirts, underwear and socks.

Palin needs to see that her children eat nourishing food, have clean clothes and brush their teeth. They need to go to church, and children need to be taught right from wrong. When does she wash dishes, clean bathrooms and mop the kitchen? Taking care of a family is a full-time job.

The U.S. needs someone who knows what is going on. There are our troops at war, the economy, energy, loans and a number of things that need attention.

That lady needs to be at home and quit playing politics. She also needs a new hairdo.

John McCain should get someone with a better education. (Mary Hagan, Asheville)

Seriously? This woman has a low opinion of "that lady"--and by implication herself and all other women.

Most of the letters the AC-T has received are anti-Bush or anti-McCain. I thought I would write and let you know that I am not voting for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They are pro-abortion.

A child has just as much right to live as they did. If they win, however, those who voted them in can call them "president" and "vice president." I will not.

Biden lied when he said he would not be vice president. I don't think the KKK will like it very much if Obama gets elected.

I used to be a Democrat but I have switched. Give me John McCain anytime over those two. If they get elected, people will turn their hate from President Bush to them. Mark my words. Vote the Bible. Take it with you when you vote. (Shirley McCall, Pisgah Forest)

This one scares me, not only because of the things it says but also because of the disconnected thought process.

A few days ago, I came out of the large grocery store on Hendersonville Road and noticed that someone had covered my Obama sticker with a McCain sticker--stategically placed so the sticker read "Another Mamma for McCain."

This incident reinforced for me the mean-spirited approach that is now permeating the desperate McCain campaign. I hold John McCain responsible for setting the tone for incidents like this and the recent hateful acts led by Sarah Palin with his campaign's personal attacks on Barack Obama. The truth is that McCain will never win this election on the issues. McCain's support for continuation of President Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy and the obscenely profitable oil industry will put him out of any serious contention. The one strength that many thought McCain had on his side was his character, not just as a prisoner of war but in opposing his own party when it was wrong (e.g., on global warming).

I think the tone of his campaign is shedding light on the true character of McCain and his inability to be an effective leader. (Linda McBride, Asheville)

Okay, I happen to agree with this one. Even if you don't agree with Ms. McBride's ideas, you must admit that she at least can string them together in a way that makes sense.


Blogger nbta said...

What amazes me is that people will actually vote one of these guys into office. Both candidates are so full of it.

Of course, the one I liked and agree with is the first one. Obama has made it clear through his books and his church whom he supports.

Blogger quig said...

Me, I agree with Ms. McBride's comments. And, I am so happy that early voting starts today so I can cast my vote for Obama and be done with it..... I strongly believe that we cannot afford, either financially or morally, four more years of Republican rule. Just today in Yahoo news, it was brought to light that the Bush administration memos support waterboarding - I do not believe that it is morally correct to torture anyone.

Early voting starts today, get out and vote. John

Blogger mac said...

Sorry to be ignorant: How does one vote early?

Blogger quig said...

There are three places where we, in Washington County, can vote early. the Downtown Center in Johnson City, the County Courthouse in Jonesborough, and the Gray Commons Building/Johnson City fire station. The hours for voting are 9am to 6pm weekdays and 9am to 2pm on Saturday. Early voting is from today until October 30. All you need is your voter registration card or a photo id. It does not matter where you normally vote.....as long as you live in Washington County. Carter County and Unicoi County also have early voting here in our immediate area and I believe all counties in Tennessee have it!! It took me 55 min..... Cheers, John


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