Writing Life

A periodic record of thoughts and life as these happen via the various roles I play: individual, husband, father, grandfather, son, brother (brother-in-law), writer, university professor and others.

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Location: Tennessee, United States

I was born on Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina, then lived a while in Fayetteville, North Carolina, before moving, at the age of 5, to Walnut, NC. I graduated from Madison High School in 1977. After a brief time in college, I spent the most of the 1980s in Nashville, Tennessee, working as a songwriter and playing in a band. I spent most of the 1990s in school and now teach at a university in Tennessee. My household includes wife and son and cat. In South Carolina I have a son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.

Monday, June 08, 2009


I'm always interested in little churches that I see on the side of the road, and I think I'll begin a photo archive and post some of them here from time to time. Lots of little roadside churches look familiar, with steeples and such. Others are different.

Take this one, for example. The last time I remember noticing this building on Old Jonesborough Highway (or West Walnut Street), it was some kind of little consignment shop. Obviously in its past, it's been a convenience store and gas station. Notice the Pepsi sign that has survived from whenever it was a store.

So, I'm interested in these buildings. I'm interested in their names. This one is "Open Arms Full Gospel Church." I wonder how they pick their names and what they mean to the person or persons who establish the church. I'm interested in who attends on Sunday mornings (if they meet on Sunday morning). I wonder if the congregation came ready-made, trailing some preacher or other, and I wonder if anybody would drive by this place on, say, a Thursday afternoon and decide to visit it on the following Sunday.

From time to time, as I run across these, I'll post a picture and add whatever information I have about the place and whatever musings cross my mind.


Blogger nbta said...

Los Angeles is one of the greatest places to find these types of churches....and the names they give them are quite original and usually really long! It does make you wonder who started the church, what type of people attend, what kind of ministry do they focus on...I think God probably likes them a lot for being original in their pursuit of Him.

Blogger quig said...

Great deal Michael... thank you. I am kind of interested in the similarities and differences in churches, consignment stores, and gas stations... You might think I am kidding, but I am not... in some ways they are all places where we can go to get replenished.... humm..

Thanks for sharing and I look forward to new posts..

Cheers and blessings, john


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