Writing Life

A periodic record of thoughts and life as these happen via the various roles I play: individual, husband, father, grandfather, son, brother (brother-in-law), writer, university professor and others.

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Location: Tennessee, United States

I was born on Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina, then lived a while in Fayetteville, North Carolina, before moving, at the age of 5, to Walnut, NC. I graduated from Madison High School in 1977. After a brief time in college, I spent the most of the 1980s in Nashville, Tennessee, working as a songwriter and playing in a band. I spent most of the 1990s in school and now teach at a university in Tennessee. My household includes wife and son and cat. In South Carolina I have a son, daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nashville Years I (Related Diary Entries)

From 12 May 1981

Ron Weathers is a manager/booking agent from Asheville, N.C. He called me up on April 29 . . . and we met the next day and the next. He seems to believe in me and what I can do. Right now, we're waiting word from a recording studio in New Orleans. If they are interested, they may record me and push to the major companies. If the majors don't want it then we may put out a single on the New Orleans group label. If they are not interested, we'll probably record in Asheville at Wes Sound and push it to record companies ourselves. It's all so up in the air and so am I. I know where I want to be but I can't see what roads will get me there. Oh well, I've got to start somewhere.

I talked to Leesa for a long time last night and the spark seems to still be there. I also talked to Jack in LA for a long time. I need to do morning devotions . . . Not my will but Thine be done

From 15 May 1981

Well, I spent most of the morning with Ron but we didn't come up with anything recording-wise yet. He's got a lot of leads if he can just get in touch with those he knows. Meanwhile, I sit and wait, praying that the Lord's will be done. I don't know whether or not I want to be a big star. I would like the position I would be in to help the world a bit, but it would be a lot of hassle. God may not want it and if He don't, I don't. Still, I feel I have the gift to make it so I've turned it over to Him, to do with me as he pleases . . . all my life is His

From 7 June 1981

Well, let's see . . . Tonight I am at June's [an uncle's] in Port Huron, Michigan. Jerry [my brother] and I drove up here [yesterday]. We've seen most all of our folks here and I've played 3 church services today[]SS and church for the Salvation Army and evening worship at Ross Bible Church w/ Darwin [a cousin] . . . All went well. Today I talked to Isia [a Canadian friend from the 1979 summer trip to Europe] and tomorrow at 1:00 I'll meet her at the Holiday Inn in Chatham, Ontario. I am really looking forward to it 'cause she's one of the best.

Patty [Ron's wife] called me on [29 May 1981] and told me New Orleans wants to record "If You Come at All," "A Sad Song," "Rhymes" and "Daisy" . . . so far. As Evaline [an aunt] said, "this may be the break we've been praying for." I've turned all career decisions over to my Lord and Savior and hope to do only what He would have me do. All that remains now is to set the recording dates and hopefully Ron will have them by the time I get back to Walnut . . . All that I want to be / Is what You want me, Lord, to be


Blogger quig said...

Two things came to mind as I read this - first, thank you for sharing and second, I am glad I didn't keep a diary!!!! Cheers, john

Blogger mac said...

John - I'm curious as to why what I wrote made you glad you didn't keep a diary. . . . just to make sure I'm not doing something stupid here!

Blogger Ruth W. said...

Don't stop now Michael, I really am enjoying this.

Blogger nbta said...

What's amazing is your openness to your faith. That sends chills up and down me...and knowing the end of the story (well, you're not done yet!) I hope that you're prayer for God's will to be done in your life is still at the forefront of your faith. A hard thing to believe and live, but that is what this life is about. Faith.

Blogger quig said...

Don't stop Michael. It is more about me than you. I have snapshots of my life, probably fuzzied over time, and I am afraid they would be ruined by specific journal entries. So, I prefer the gastault, or overall memory, and those fuzzy snapshots to the specifics that I would have with a diary. I think it is one of those individual differences that makes humanity interesting!!

Cheers, john

Blogger mac said...

Mark, I believe that my faith and my not-my-will-but-thine-be-done prayer are still with me. At the moment, they seem much more difficult to grasp and understand than they once were, according to these diary entries. In the words of one of my favorite songs, "Everything's gonna be all right."

John, thanks for the clarification. That makes good sense to me.

Ruth, thanks for reading. Stay tuned for "the rest of the story."

Blogger quig said...

Hi MAC -

It occurred to me last night, in the middle of the night, that although I do not keep a diary or journals, I do take pictures, lots of pictures. I happen to be going through some older ones now and realized that they told a story of that period of my life... The pictures are not as detailed and do not record the events in the same way, but they are a means of me recapturing the past....

I really appreciate your blog and hope you will continue with this beautiful "story of a life."

thanks, john


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