Tennessee Driver

Imagine that this is a Tennessee driver license and that my son's smiling face is on it. He's been 16 since September, but now he's really 16. I'll enjoy the freedom this new situation will eventually give me, but for awhile I'll miss driving him places he needs to go. At least I'll miss being in the car with him every time he's in the car. I'll probably not enjoy those times--probably nights mostly--when I'm listening to every car that goes by the house in hopes that I'll hear the gravel in the driveway telling me he's home safe and sound.
It is a very nervous time for parents when their kid gets to drive on his own, but I have a feeling you both have taught him well. Yes, you'll still be nervous, and rightly so, but then that is what great parents do!!
It's a taken a few years for me to not be so stressed when Tom walks out the door. Because we live so close to the fire department, every time they would take off I would hear the sirens...and say a prayer for him. Not that he's off at college, I still pray for whomever they are going to help and pray for Tom's safety even though I know they aren't going to help him. I guess it's a good thing! It forces me to put my trust in the Lord and reminds me that I can't control the world.
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